Appel à projets bilatéraux en STIC – Date limite : 01/03/2012

During CONFAP-CONSECTI forum has been announced anedital for bilateral projects (researchers exchange) as well in Communication and Computer Sciences between INRIA, INS2I/CNRS and 18 FAP (Deadline : March the 1st, 2012).Pendant le forum CONFAP-CONSECTI a été lancé l’appel à projets bilatéraux (échange de chercheurs) en STIC entre INRIA, INS2I/CNRS et 18 FAP (Fondations d’Appui à la Recherche des Etats). (Date limite de soumission le 1er mars 2012).Durante o Forum CONFAP-CONSECTI foi lançado o edital para projetos bilaterais (intercâmbio de pesquisadores) em CTIC entre INRIA, INS2I/CNRS e 18 FAP. (Prazo final : 1ero de março de 2012).

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